Posted on Aug 05, 2017
Rotary International Convention Highlights - Atlanta 2017
   Click here to watch video of RI President Ian Riseley's remarks at the Presidential Peace Conference in Atlanta

"Environmental sustainability is and must be everyone’s concern."

With that strong statement, and to the cheers of ESRAG members in the Closing Session, Ian Riseley became RI’s President for 2017-18.   ESRAG marshaled its resources to provide a strong presence at the Atlanta Convention in support of his vision for “a Rotary that recognizes our responsibility, not only to the people on our planet, but to the planet itself, on which we all live and on which we all depend.” [excerpt from RI President Elect’s speech, June 14, 2017, Atlanta ]
The learning and fellowship began with the WASRAG’s World Water Summit, which this year focused on women and water. 
Dr. Bernice A. King at the Presidential Peace Conference in Atlanta
Click on the photo to access videos
The annual Peace Conference followed with an inspiring keynote by Dr. Bernice King in which she quoted her father, Martin Luther King, Jr., “True peace is not the absence of conflict, but the presence of justice.”  She reminded us that we seek to defeat issues and conditions, not other people.  She encouraged us to remember the “we” factor, a message that resonates well with Rotarians!