In memoriam - Suzanne Benoit
Posted by Craig Clarke on Aug 29, 2016
Suzanne died July 30th at the age of 64.
Her informal title in our club was the "commissaire of fun"
At the time of her induction as a new member in 2002, a thunderstorm outside portended her campaign to shake things up. She insisted that everyone arriving at meetings get a hug, members & visitors alike. In 2013, District Governor Pete Taylor gave her the “energizer pin”, an award presented to one outstanding member who shows extraordinary enthusiasm for the work of Rotary.
She served as Treasurer and President of the club, and was a willing volunteer at club events. She was a regular at the Dragon Boat Festival and at our monthly Community Breakfasts where she took control of dish washing and was known to use squirts from the high pressure hose for discipline.
She was a Paul Harris Fellow and a Benefactor.
with Gill at Dragon Boat 2008
hamming it up with Mark, Dragon Boat 2008
Paul Harris award, 2009
Presidential citation 2009
introducing new member Lee Mason, 2012
washing dishes at Community Breakfast, 2012
with Marzie & Ian, Dragon Boat 2012
with Ian, 50:50 Draw, 2013
with Jeff & George, Dragon Boat 2013
receiving energizer award, 2013
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